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How to Create Thought Leadership Content

How to Create Thought Leadership Content

How to Create Thought Leadership Content

Tom D'Agustino

Jun 14, 2024

Jun 14, 2024

Creating thought leadership content is a great way to build your personal or company brand and position yourself as an authority in your field. If you can consistently post fresh perspectives, provide valuable information, and connect to your audience on a genuine level, you can build trust and credibility that will keep your products and services top-of-mind.

We use these strategies every day at Presscart to help thousands of business leaders establish themselves as industry champions. And today, we’re pulling back the curtain on thought leadership content and revealing what it takes to create content that cements you as an expert in your readers’ minds.

What Is Thought Leadership Content?

Thought leadership content is any content that demonstrates a subject’s expertise. Ideally delivered in an authentic manner, it’s a medium that shares practical knowledge and wisdom with others while building trust in the subject. When it’s done right, thought leadership content adds value to the reader’s career, mindset, or life in general. It should make readers think differently, make better decisions, or improve their skills in meaningful ways. 

As you can imagine, investing in thought leadership content can open doors to new business opportunities. By demonstrating your expertise and vision, you can attract potential investors, collaborators, and influencers who can propel your business forward.

7 Key Strategies for Creating Thought Leadership Content 

Before you head to LinkedIn and unleash a stream-of-consciousness infodump to your followers, it’s best to approach thought leadership content creation in a more strategic way. Here are 7 important steps for charting your course, fleshing out your content, and making it impactful and engaging for your audience.

1. Choose Your Fresh Perspective or Viewpoint 

Start by figuring out what unique angle or insight you can bring to the table. After all, there’s nothing new under the sun, and as valuable as your wisdom is, it’s all been said and done before.

So focus on what you do differently! Focus on how your perspective augments the tired wisdom that’s been posted and reposted a thousand times before, and capitalize on what sets you apart.

Let’s say you’re in the eco-friendly packaging industry, and you focus on implementing customer feedback to develop more sustainable practices. Besides discussing the general benefits of sustainability as it pertains to logistics, you could focus on how innovative materials are the key to balancing product safety with consumer trust.

While you shouldn’t stress too much about making each post wholly unique and revolutionary, the focus should be on providing your perspective and offering a new way of thinking about a common problem.

2. Conduct Thorough Research 

Dig deep into your topic to make sure your thought leadership content is accurate and insightful. After all, it’s easy to lean entirely on your own history and experiences and disregard how the rest of the world approaches your work.

For example, if you’re discussing the impact of remote work on corporate culture, gather current statistics and trends. Maybe even conduct a few interviews with HR experts or company leaders to add depth and authenticity. It might seem counterintuitive, but these third-party perspectives actually lend credibility to your content and further establish your brand as an authoritative one.

3. Use Language That’s Appropriate for Your Audience

It’s easy to feel like you need to use advanced language or technical jargon in order to impress your audience. But if you’re not careful, this kind of language can alienate your audience and detract from your credibility. 

However, don’t go too far in the opposite direction! A lot of brands overcorrect, underestimate their audience, and oversimplify their copywriting by dumbing down their content and forgoing any language that sounds remotely complex for fear of being misunderstood. This can rob otherwise good copywriting of tone and style, both key aspects that help you resonate with the reader emotionally.

Instead, you must balance clarity and style. It’s perfectly fine to write with a strong voice and use more precise language — as long as you have the skills to make it clear at the same time. If you can’t be clear, be cautious instead and simplify your writing.

4. Tell a Compelling Story 

People are naturally drawn to compelling stories because they capture our attention and leave a lasting impression. They evoke emotional responses, playing a significant role in how we remember and react to information — but also in how we make decisions. Research consistently shows that we tend to make decisions based on emotional responses, not solely on logic. 

Let’s say you’re an entrepreneur who blogs about your business journey. Instead of simply listing your steps to success or a slew of number-heavy statistics, you could share a personal story about losing a key client early in your career and how it forced you to rethink your business plan. By talking about your ups and downs, you do more than just give advice — you connect with your readers on a personal level. It shows your resilience, making your insights more relatable and inspiring.

5. Keep It Practical, and Focus on Solutions 

Your audience is looking for value, so make sure you’re offering concrete, actionable advice whenever appropriate. Don’t just express your opinion or tell your story without giving your reader the tools to replicate your success or reach the same conclusions — give them a practical roadmap they can follow. If you’re explaining how you improved your email marketing, talk about how you tested different subject lines or divided your audience into segments to target them better.

These specific anecdotes play a big role in connecting with your audience and establishing your experience. They’ll help your readers practically apply your advice, see the results for themselves, and attribute their success to your wisdom.

6. Be Strategic with Promotion

Creating great thought leadership content is just the start. You also need to promote it to the right audience. This includes sharing your content across social media — LinkedIn for business insights, X for quick updates, and Facebook for collaborative discussions. And don’t forget to add it to your regular newsletters!

Think about where your audience congregates online. Are there specific communities or groups where your content could spark a discussion? Make a point of sharing your insights in these spaces. This way, you’ll be actively engaging with your community instead of simply writing content and hoping your audience finds it and responds. 

You should also consider teaming up with other thought leaders or influencers in your industry. For example, you could guest post on each other’s blogs or co-host a webinar. This isn’t just about reaching a broader audience, but you also add credibility to your name and content when you’re seen alongside other respected industry leaders.

7. Partner with a Content Marketing Agency

While these tips will go a long way toward getting you started, the hard truth is that creating high-quality thought leadership content takes a lot of time and effort — something not everyone has in spades (especially highly productive business owners). That’s where a skilled content marketing agency comes in. 

Content marketing agencies are staffed with decorated business writers who can help you build your influence without you having to learn the ins and outs of content creation. They can capture your unique voice and perspective, are capable of refining your ideas into engaging articles, and will develop SEO-rich thought leadership content that still feels personal and authentic. They also keep an eye on the latest trends and best practices, which means your content stays fresh and relevant. 

Finally, these agencies often have established relationships with various media outlets, allowing you to get your content featured in places you wouldn’t have access to on your own. This can lead to new opportunities to grow your audience and establish your authority.

So if you’re finding it tough to keep up with the demands of content creation, teaming up with a professional agency is a smart move.

Craft Engaging Thought Leadership Content with Presscart 

These seven tips can be a lot to keep in mind, but the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone.

At Presscart, our dedicated team of writers craft compelling thought leadership content so you can engage with your audience quickly and affordably. We work closely with you to sharpen your ideas and make sure your perspective shines through. Whether it’s refining your ideas or crafting high-impact stories that resonate with prospective buyers, we’re here to help you every step of the way. 

Let us handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what you do best: leading and innovating in your field. Contact our team today to tell your story and build your influence.

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